
This shopping season will be different for this reason

What is a fact is that we are currently in a time of transition.
  • One of the changes is the omnichannel consumer buying behavior that, although it continues to transform, will no longer return to what it was before.
  • The growth of ecommerce will accelerate and consumers will search for the best options through research and comparison.
Lately, we've been hearing new terms that seek to make sense of the unprecedented situation we find ourselves in. Concepts such as "new normal" and phrases such as "when we return to normal" arise in all aspects of life as an incentive to adapt to the challenges of today or as hope that sooner or later routines will be as we knew them. What is a fact is that we are currently in a time of transition. The health contingency of COVID-19 has caused changes in all the daily aspects of our lives and it is just now that the new rules, behaviors and trends are being redefined. Although it is still too early to know what will happen after the contingency, we are already beginning to see changes that are here to stay. One of them is the omnichannel consumer buying behavior that, although it continues to transform, will no longer return to what it was before. Overnight, the consumer adopts new ways to buy, which were perhaps occasional before. Now that you've given the digital arena a chance, your perspective has changed. The digitization that consumers had is being exponential and this shopping season that is beginning will give us a clear vision of what it will be like from now on. To begin with, this year retailers should prepare for an extended shopping period. You just have to turn to see the Good End, which went from being a long weekend event to two weeks. This will help consumers have more time to decide to make purchases, and it will also allow more time for them to do more research, so we will see more prepared buyers, who have compared prices and are willing to try new stores in order to get the right price. greater value for your money. A study by Ipsos, commissioned by Google, revealed last month that 3 out of 10 Mexicans are buying brands that they had not tried before. Last year there was a lot of talk about the importance of omnichannel. Retailers needed to start creating strategies where the physical and digital worlds meet frictionless so that shoppers freely navigate between the two. Now it is no longer a desirable strategy, but an indispensable one. More consumers than ever are searching, researching and buying online for the first time, which is causing a change in the way physical stores operate. According to Ipsos, in Mexico 1 in 3 people will continue to shop online and will continue to avoid stores. Those who do go to the store, 1 in 2 will buy only in those establishments that they know have security and social distancing policies.

What will we see this shopping season?

We will see the first step to how the rest of the purchases will be in the future. The growth of ecommerce will accelerate and consumers will search for the best options through research and comparison. The consumer is also more demanding, so he expects adequate attention and constant information on how his purchase and his person are being taken care of. It is a moment that puts retailers to change and work to offer a better omnichannel experience. Not only is it an opportunity to update, it is also a door that opens for more players to reach out to new audiences who are looking for something new. The season starts and with it new opportunities to capitalize; the lessons learned from this moment will be key to paving the future of retail in the country.   Source:

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