by GPG
Jul 19,2021
Emails, especially when we’re on the receiving end, can seem like throwaways. We scroll through quickly just to move them from an unread to a read, or immediately trash without reading. Or, we ignore them altogether and pretend they never happened. We all have that one ...
by GPG
Jun 29,2021
Now is the time to analyze if your business processes are convenient to your customer, and what needs to be done to bring more ease-of-use.
Convenience matters to consumers more than ever. After many months spent primarily at home, consumers have grown used to the co...
by GPG
Apr 13,2021
Local search changes significantly in times of crisis. Learn best practices to measure the success of local marketing during unpredictable events.
It’s hard for local marketers to believe that it was just last March our goals were completely upended and we were force...
by GPG
Apr 02,2021
GPG Consulting anunță concursul pentru suplinirea posturilor vacante în domeniul Asistent Serviciul Clientelă în limbile ENGLEZĂ și GERMANĂ.
- salariu atractiv, 12 000 lei/lunar;
- bonus lunar;
- posibilitate de a lucra la distanță.
Candidatul ideal:
by GPG
Nov 26,2020
Having a strong understanding of an email program’s return on investment (ROI) remains a competitive advantage. It might be surprising that given how great an ROI email can provide, many brands don’t actually have a good handle on how to measure its success or lack ther...
by GPG
Nov 20,2020
5 advertising tips to engage online shoppers from Black Friday through Cyber Monday, and beyond.
What do advertisers need to know heading into Black Friday and Cyber Monday? What do we know about 2020 holiday trends so far? How should your brand adjust your advertisi...