by GPG
Oct 03,2019
Here is everything you need to know about moving to digital customer service, as we help you to put together a strategy to make a smooth transition.
The Evolution of Digital Customer Service
Over the past ten years contact centres have been adapting to the idea that ...
by GPG
Oct 02,2019
No matter what you are selling, every sales cycle has 3 points in common. These ‘sink or swim’ points define the success or failure of that sale; and every salesperson needs to be able to recognise to control those moments.
The Point of Value Creation
Creating ...
by GPG
Sep 30,2019
Today, marketing professionals have access to more data than ever before. Digital marketing is providing quantifiable measures and KPIs across channels covering interactions with customers, behaviour, choices, feelings, purchasing history, etc. At the same time, technol...
by GPG
Sep 27,2019
Most companies acknowledge the importance of innovation, but few actually know how to be innovative. They don’t realize that innovation must be a cultural imperative to truly succeed.
According to an Accenture study, 95% of business leaders say innovation is crucial...
by GPG
Sep 26,2019
Studies show that as companies become more prominent, leaders become more distant from customers. They spend more time managing the organization and investors, less time with customers. They believe their role ends with training employees. A 2017 HBR survey of 1,000 CEO...
by GPG
Sep 23,2019
As both an influencer for brands and a marketer who develops and manages influencer campaigns for clients, I am well aware of the value of influencer marketing. Add to the equation the fact that I’m also a consumer, and I see in real time the value of influencer marketi...