by GPG
Jan 15,2019
For many business leaders, branding means the company logo, website, sales material, direct marketing, social media and online content. Devoting resources and marketing activities in these types of communications is important to creating brand awareness and sales opport...
by GPG
Jan 14,2019
Opportunities for service recovery are numerous. If you are close to the customer and discover a problem, it’s your chance to go beyond the call-of-duty and win a customer for life.
Too many executives think employees are born with good customer service skills. It’s ...
by GPG
May 29,2018
“YOUR CALL IS important to us,” a recorded voice tells resigned customers as they wait endlessly to speak to a human agent. AI is starting to help companies improve the quality and consistency of their service in order to persuade customers that they do in fact care abo...
by GPG
May 28,2018
Le stress est trop souvent considéré comme un levier du management pour améliorer la productivité des employés. Au contraire les managers doivent développer les compétences qui vont atténuer le stress de leurs collaborateurs pour améliorer leur efficacité et leur perfor...
by GPG
May 24,2018
Even if you are its sole owner, your company has many stakeholders. The people who buy your products and services are invested in the pleasure and utility these products and services provide. Your employees and managers are invested in your business as a place to work, ...
by GPG
May 23,2018
Votre équipe commerciale est démotivée ? Votre entreprise n’est pas condamnée pour autant. Avoir des commerciaux motivés est vital pour toute entreprise, et heureusement il est possible de remobiliser ses troupes !
Pour motiver votre équipe commerciale sur le terrain...