by GPG
Feb 07,2019
Recently I was asked to participate in an expert round-up for how Fortune 500 companies Manage their Contact Center(s). More specifically, I was asked to provide insight on the importance of consistency among different channels within a Contact Center. There is a wide r...
by GPG
Feb 05,2019
Let’s face it, telemarketing isn’t always “fun”. As an operations manager in an outsourced telemarketing agency with agents in a brick and mortar setting as well as in an at home setting, I know first-hand what it takes to make the job fun for the agents. But before I t...
by GPG
Feb 04,2019
Customer satisfaction is a top priority for all kind of companies (service-oriented or a product based) that want to leave an impression. A responsive, precise, and professional response to the customers’ query not only aids to cling and return a happy client but also o...
by GPG
Jan 31,2019
Security breaches in the contact center environment can be enormously expensive and damaging, so it is worth real money to approach these matters the right way. It is important to foster a strong security culture supported by well-designed processes - - rather than rely...
by GPG
Jan 30,2019
How do inbound calls enhance outbound call programs? Many companies have an inbound customer service number. Customers can and do call in for a wide variety of reasons. They need to order an item or service, maybe they are unhappy with that item or service and wish to g...
by GPG
Jan 29,2019
You might have the best-in-class sales persons – suave, charismatic and eloquent; however, if they are never given an opportunity to meet the prospect(s), their qualities are of no importance. Therefore, it is important for your business to spend a significant amount of...