by GPG
Jan 09,2020
Data analytics used to belong to big business with deep pockets. Today, even the smallest companies can glean invaluable insight from the data they already own.
There’s a myth that robust data analytics programs are something that only large enterprise corporations c...
by GPG
Nov 21,2019
We have crowd-sourced 20 fascinating predictions for what the contact centre could look like in ten years’ time.
First, we asked two experts in the field for their predictions.
1. Easy is the new loyalty
In the last three years, we have witnessed a decline in c...
by GPG
Nov 18,2019
Successful companies’ marketing strategies are a carefully crafted blend of effective online and offline marketing approaches. All too often, businesses make the mistake of giving online marketing great focus and completely ignoring offline marketing, losing the opportu...
by GPG
Nov 13,2019
In May, Google announced an update. For the average user, it didn’t make many waves. But for SEO professionals, the change felt seismic.
Google launched this update — a new and improved version of its Googlebot web crawler — at its annual I/O developer conference. U...
by GPG
Nov 11,2019
Leaders often believe progress is the primary characteristic of a successful team in business, since productivity and innovation drive revenue. However, leaders often forget that in order to achieve progress over a sustained period of time, they must cultivate an ethica...
by GPG
Nov 04,2019
While there are many applications of RPA, with multiple benefits, there are a number of pitfalls to be wary of, if you wish to install the technology – just like the seven below.
1. Beginning With the Technology and Not a Business Problem
Begin with the business prob...