
by GPG
Aug 29,2022
Les traducteurs professionnels accumulent des connaissances et des outils traductifs au fur et à mesure de leur carrière, en fonction de leurs besoins et de leurs échanges.
Mais qu’en est-il du débutant ? De l’étudiant qui se lance dans la traduction de l’anglais ver...

by GPG
Aug 29,2022
A secretarial service is not just making phone calls and scheduling appointments.
As a company manager, you need to be able to rely on an organised, trained and professional person who will take charge of all tasks with low added value but that are much more strategi...

by GPG
Aug 26,2022
Sales prospecting is one of the most costly and time-consuming parts of the sales process.
However, it’s necessary to find the qualified leads you want for your business.
With strategic prospecting, it’s essential that you continue generating leads day in ...

by GPG
Aug 24,2022
I am often asked, “Can I successfully learn a language online?” since people all over the world are taking advantage of this new concept and trend.
So, why not use the internet to gain a foreign tongue?
Ever since the advent of technology and advancement, life has b...

by GPG
Aug 24,2022
Deciding to outsource the lead generation and sales areas of your business is always a tough decision, and indeed one that should not be taken haphazardly.
Because, ultimately, outsourcing is about putting your trust in the hands of a third-party service provider to ...