by GPG
May 20,2019
A leader tries to guide and motivate others to take action and implement change. Of course, there are many ways of doing that, but it’s important to note that leadership doesn’t involve forcing people to act in a certain way. For that reason, as a leader you need to:
by GPG
Mar 27,2019
We are hiring!
Candidatul ideal:
· se adaptează uşor la diferite tipuri de proiecte;
· este atent la detalii și are spirit analitic;
· are o atitudine pozitivă şi poate lucra în condiţii de presiune şi termeni limită;
· poate opera cu PC-ul și internetul la nivel...
by GPG
Mar 12,2019
Helen Camm reckons that train the trainer programmes are the perfect antidote to the circus of development initiatives that take place year in, year out in the call centre
On the face of it, employing an external specialist provider to design and deliver innovative a...
by GPG
Mar 01,2019
Every spring on March 1 people in Moldova, along with their neighbors in Romania and elsewhere where Romanians live, celebrate Mărțișor (Romanian pronunciation: [mərt͡siˈʃor]. They celebrate the rebirth of life after the hard winter. On this day men offer to their belov...
by GPG
Feb 25,2019
For a call center or a contact center, SLA is an important document. Service Level Agreement (SLA) is the commitment to the client by the contact center provider. The commitment to maintain a certain standard of service during the tenure of the engagement. SLA also defi...
by GPG
Feb 22,2019
An increasing amount of contact centre traffic is now being handled by email. But how can we get the best out of it?
We asked a number of email management providers for their top tips.
1. You have only two hours to respond to an email
Customers don’t trust ema...