by GPG
Jan 17,2020
Sam O’Brien of RingCentral discusses how large organizations can benefit from remote working and introduces us to the “digital nomad”.
While the concept of digital nomads may be somewhat new, the nomadic lifestyle isn’t.
Mankind has long been a species attracted ...
by GPG
Jan 16,2020
Dick Bourke shares how we can measure emotional intelligence through Quality Assurance (QA) tools.
How a customer feels about a product is more important than its effectiveness, according to a recent Forrester report.
So customers are generally led by their emoti...
by GPG
Jan 14,2020
When it comes to dealing with customers, there are some situations that can be a little overwhelming for both a customer success manager and the customer in question. For many, onboarding is one of those situations. From the customer side, onboarding typically involves ...
by GPG
Jan 14,2020
Scott Budding of Business Systems gazes into a crystal ball to predict how the contact centre industry will continue to develop in 2020.
Focused Digital Transformation
Blending of front- and back-office customer-facing processes was a topic of discussion for 2019, an...
by GPG
Jan 10,2020
Content marketing is more than just a buzz word. Companies are now realising its potential and discovering its power as a marketing strategy. But what makes a successful content strategy?
Clearly Defined Targets
Knowing who you are targeting is the first and most imp...
by GPG
Jan 10,2020
The right content can help you engage your target market and improve conversions. It’s important to have a clearly defined content marketing strategy to ensure you reach the right people in the right way. Here are the top 5 types of content you should include for a succ...