by GPG
Jul 16,2019
The importance of planning
The preparation of marketing plans can be viewed as a welcome distraction from the everyday running of a business, providing the opportunity to put in some solid thinking about where the business needs to be going. Alternatively it may be see...
by GPG
Jul 11,2019
Is it all about the money? – Paul Weald talks us through what he thinks works when it comes to contact centre incentives.
Many years ago, a former boss of mine, who was a commercial manager, told me that you condition people by how you pay them. He had a simple phil...
by GPG
Jul 02,2019
Henry Caplan explains what you should and shouldn’t do during your next presentation.
1. Do – Manage your nerves
Often our nerves are internalised. There is always a difference between our perception of ourselves and how others see us. Sometimes this perspective ...
by GPG
Jun 25,2019
Do you feel as though you’re struggling to engage with your email audience? Are you wondering if your email copywriting needs improvement?
How can you make your written word stand out amongst the masses of emails everyone seems to be receiving on a daily basis?
by GPG
May 22,2019
Customer complaints about queues are a perennial issue for contact centres. Suzette Bouzane Meadows and Richard Farrell demonstrate how call back technology can help solve the issue and provide more effective customer service.
Practical considerations
When impleme...
by GPG
May 21,2019
In any organisation, the sales department plays a pivotal role in the success of the business. The unique and important role of sales is to bridge the gap between the potential customer’s needs and the products/services that the organisation offers that can fulfil their...