by GPG
May 16,2022
La veille concurrentielle est pratiquée par quasiment toutes les entreprises. Son but ? Avoir ses concurrents à l’œil pour savoir ce qu’ils font, ce qu’ils comptent faire et les résultats de leurs actions. Une stratégie nécessaire pour garder une longueur d’avance en pr...

by GPG
May 13,2022
When it comes to choosing new markets to enter, the safe bet is to focus on regions with visible, existing demand for your products or services. Hyundai, for example, only entered China when the Chinese auto industry was already growing about 20% per year. Amazon waited...

by GPG
May 12,2022
If you’ve ever thought of starting your own online business, there’s no better time than the present to get started.
More people than ever are shopping online and the global online shopping market hit nearly 4 trillion in 2020. According to Insider Intelligence forec...

by GPG
May 11,2022
As healthcare delivery has gone virtual, so have the clinical treatments themselves, resulting in a new category of medical interventions: digital therapeutics.
Digital therapeutics are evidence-based, clinically evaluated software and devices that can be used to tre...

by GPG
May 10,2022
The worldwide pandemic has increased the need for businesses to adopt more sophisticated digital marketing technology. This has led to an increased move to online software solutions that may have not been needed before.
Businesses of all sizes have had to quickly ada...